Thursday, April 17, 2008

FPU Finale

Two years ago we were introduced to a money management plan called "Financial Peace University". This program was created by Dave Ramsey after he personally worked his way back to being a millionaire for the second time after going through bankruptcy in between. The program really is very basic and focuses on how to get out of debt and stay out of debt. This time around I lead the class of about 20 families that were going through the 13 week program. It was truly a gift each week to hear their success stories and share in their challenges. A big part of this class is having small group discussions about the topics each week and sharing our stories. It was encouraging to hear how people were changing their views on money away from the mainstream ("you've got to have debt") to beliefs that lead to winning with money ("debt is dumb!"). I pray that all of these families keep working their financial plan and continue to enjoy all that God has planned for them. Unless you are already an out-of-debt millionaire, you deserve to check out this program. It can change your family tree!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tragedy Close to Home

Last week a crossing guard, Dianna Sharp, was killed while shepherding Christian Engle through the crosswalk at one of our local schools (the complete story). She died when she was struck by a dump truck that was heading to a nearby construction site did not stop. A child was also hurt in the accident, but because the crossing guard shielded him from the truck, he is now recovering in the hospital. This loss struck our community severely; the crossing guard was a young mother and wife, and her daughter attends the school where she was working. It left many children and adults asking why and suddenly questioning their own safety. Many children insisted on their parents walking them to school.
There is no greater gift that to give one's life for a friend, and Dianna gave that gift without reservation or hesitation. She instinctively made the choice that she always knew someday she might have to make.
We pray for all the families involved - for the Sharp's, the Engle's, and the driver and his family. Emotional healing has already begun through the memorial service and through the physical healing of Christian.
The accident served as a reminder of how precious life is, and how one's world can change in an instant. It made me acutely aware of what a fragile gift our children are; a huge blessing with which we have been entrusted. I am hugging them just a little tighter than before.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Celebrating 70 in Jacksonville

The Haneys headed out late last Thursday night to go to Michael's mother's 70th birthday celebration in Jacksonville, NC. We left not knowing if or where we would stop for the night, and as it turned out, we ended up driving straight through until Friday morning. We used our new GPS, Cloie, to lead us down and back, and we had no driving problems at all. We arrived just as mother was trying to leave for her exercise class. We dragged her back into the house and the birthday party weekend was on! While we were there we celebrated Wafflepalooza 2008 with the Picklesimers, played a few poker games, and went out to dinner to celebrate Jane's 70th birthday. It was a whirlwind trip, but we had a great time, and it was very special to see all of the Swints and Picklesimers, and especially the new Christopher. Lots of pictures of all the fun are out on Flickr.

19 years...and counting

Lisa and Michael ran off to the Hocking Hills for their 19th anniversary. We stayed in a beautiful cabin in the woods with a fireplace and a hot tub. Michael cooked breakfast for Lisa on both mornings, and when we ventured out we went shopping in the local shops and had a sumptuous dinner at Rhapsody. The restaurant is run by the culinary school at the local college. The food and service were both excellent.
We had a great time just spending some quiet moments together and sharing each other's company. Then on Sunday it was back to the real world and the kids! Photos of our cozy retreat on Flickr.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Ladies' Night Out

After the Indiana trip Lisa and Cassie got away for some special Mom and daughter time. They went to a hotel for the night, got manicures and pedicures, and went to the Melting Pot for dinner. This gave them some special time to talk and have some fun also. I've posted a few photos of the fun on Flickr.

Back Home Again...

During the first part of Spring Break Lisa and the kids went back to Indiana for a visit. While they were there they went for a drive with Lisa's Dad to see some of the sites out in the country. The saw covered bridges, an old mill, and lots of high water. It was some nice simple non-electronic entertainment for the kids and helped them appreciate the simpler things. Look for more photos on Flickr.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Bits of Spring

What a crazy Spring Break! Instead of going away for whole week, we are running around on little getaways. Lisa and the kids went to Indiana for a few days and visited with Lisa's family. They came back today, and now Lisa and Cassie are away for a couple of days doing some Mom/teen bonding. Lara is spending the night with a friend, and then this weekend Lisa and Michael are going away for their anniversary weekend. Just try and catch us all at home at the same time - go ahead, I dare ya!


Today we finally got a van to replace the one that was totaled in the accident. We were able to find one that is very similar to the one we had for a reasonable price. Lisa feels much better driving a vehicle with which she is familiar. We found it at Trader Bud's, the same place we got our last van. Look at our Flickr site for photos.

Happy Easter!

Yesterday was Easter, and it turned out to be a great day! Allen delivered the message for the Sunrise Service, Lara and Cassie had an Easter egg hunt, and Lisa cooked us all a great ham dinner! We couldn't be prouder of Allen. Look for pictures on the Flickr site.

Easy as Pi!

Today is Pi Day! As part of the celebration one of the groups at work organized a pie feast for lunch - fruit pies as well as main dish pies. Lisa contributed one of her Famous Chicken Pot Pies of course. Well, it turns out there was a contest for the best pie, and Lisa won! So now her pie will be known as "Lisa's Famous Award-Winning Chicken Pot Pie". Here is what she won.

It's All Greek to Us!

Tuesday night Lisa and I celebrated our 19th anniversary at The Big Fat Greek Kuzina. Great Greek food including escargot, scrimp scampi, and Veal Aphrodite. Lisa got us a GPS unit that we have nicknamed Chloe, after the character on "24". I can hardly wait to ask her to set up a perimeter!