Thursday, May 22, 2008

Oben formen!

Allen had an assignment for German class that entailed listing 20 things from a story. The assignment did not specify in what format the 20 things were to be presented. Allen wanted to find an unusual and coll way of presenting them, and the number 20 sparked an idea. He remembered that one of the regular solids had 20 sides, and then looked it up on the Internet. He found the icosahedron, and a template for making one. He then enlarged the template, put the 20 things on it, and then (with some assistance) taped it together. For display purposes he attached a three-corded string with the German flag colors! Voila! A very creative presentation of the assignment. When he brings it back home I will get a picture and replace this generic icosahedron. Sometimes I am so proud of my boy!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Locks of Love

On Saturday May 10th Lara's Girl Scout troop, Troop #309, went to Distinct Design Group to donate hair to "Locks of Love". This is a program where you can donate hair to people who need wigs due to chemotherapy, etc. Six of the girls, including Lara, got their hair cut, and two of the parents, including Lisa, did also. Several of the other girls brought in pull tabs to donate for the Ronald McDonald House. They had pizza, cake, and lots of fun. They also received the awards that they earned from the recent G.S. cookie sales.
I should mention that the salon stayed open just for the troop, and three of the stylists were there to cut and style their hair.  The stylists were incredibly patient and friendly, and they did a great job with all the girls.  I can't say enough about their generosity in helping make this activity possible!
It was a great afternoon, and it was wonderful to see the girls doing so much for worthy causes. It really demonstrated what scouting is all about!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Great Surprise!

As I mentioned back on the Easter post, Allen delivered the message for the Sunrise Service on Easter this year. He did a great job and made us very proud. Just this week a friend from church found some shots of Allen that are much better than anything we had take ourselves. What a gift! It really took me back to that morning, and how amazing a day that was. It was very busy with all of the usual Easter-y activities, but listening to Allen, and realizing that our son was serving in this way, brought me so much more into the right spirit of the day. And seeing these pictures just brought me back to that wonderful place. Thanks, Dave!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Allen's Prom 2008

Allen and Joyce went to Prom this evening (or was that yesterday?). At this hour they are still out. The evening started with pictures at Joyce's house, then off to dinner at Martini Italian Bistro, and then the Prom at The Buckeye Hall of Fame Cafe. After Prom is also at the BHOFC, where they have lots of games, movies and foods. Then it is off to the after-after Prom party at Matt's house. Lisa is helping out there with snacks and her presence. All in all it should be a wonderful, memorable, totally supervised night. Lots of pictures on Flickr.