Monday, October 20, 2008

When art meets technology in a GOOD way!

On Gizmodo earlier today they created a post on "mesmerizing gadgets" , objects at which you just can't stop staring. Several of these struck me as ways in which tech has enhanced art, or at least opened up new possibilities. My favorite is the "waterfall printer", where a computer controls hundreds of water jets so that designs and words are created as the water falls, much like a dot-matrix printer. Click on the link and take a gander, but be warned - you can indeed spend much more time than you intended soaking in these tech/art gadgets.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Those who ignore history...

Not satisfied with his party bringing back the Great Depression, John McCain has decided to usher in his own era of McCarthyism. Of course, in this post Cold War era it would sound ludicrous to yell "communist", so instead McCain has chosen to take the economic angle and accuse Barack Obama of "socialist" policies. Is there no end to the lengths he will go in his campaign of hatred and fear? Is the Republican party so desperate that this is the strategy to which they are reduced? In a campaign that has seen more than its share of negative ads on both sides, McCain has dropped to a new low. As if sending his Alaskan toadie to call Obama a terrorist is not enough, McCain is now trying to scare Americans with the prospect of Barack Obama redistributing our wealth. This dissemination of misinformation is to what McCain has been reduced. The Republicans have few facts on their side, so they have chosen to wage a war of hatred and fear. It is only slightly veiled racism, and represents the worst of what America has to offer. To quote Joseph Welch, "Sir, have you no decency?"