Sunday, July 6, 2008

A Soggy, Joyous Fourth

Although the rain threatened to turn the day into a "cow-tastrophe", it actually turned out to be a great day with lots of rain, candy, patriotism and fun. It started out with Allen getting to work extra early, because he was going to be one of the cows in the parade for Chick-Fil-A. The rest of the family packed up, prepared for rain, and headed to a streetside spot near the end of the route and close to the church. Joyce joined us, and later Lisa's friend Lisa, whose daughter was in the parade, sat with us too. At first we were high and dry, but by the time the parade made its way to us we were in a light drizzle. We stuck it out, determined to see HUMC's Pig Roast float mad by the Livewire group, and Allen as a cow. Over the course of the next hour the drizzle turned into a genuine rain. Out came the ponchos, jackets and umbrellas. Eventually they were not even enough as we became soaked, and as canvas chairs filled with precipitation. Finally the Pig Float mad its glorious apperance, resplendant in paper mache, chicken wire, and tiki torches. Spirits were still high despite everything and everyone being soaked. Mercifully the Chick-Fil-A coningent appeared shortly thereafter. There were three cows, and Allen turned out to be the cute one in purple with the hair ribbon. "Cowdulling" ensued and then it was a dash to the car and home for prolonged drying out and candy accounting. Pictured above is a bovine embrace with Joyce, Lara, Lisa, and Allen as the cow. As usual, more pictures on the family Flickr page.

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